Sunday, 6 December 2015

City Café and Toorak

On my way to Toorak to have lunch with Di and Roddy, I stopped in at Le Journal my old haunt in Flinders Lane near the U3A where I used to teach French. It is quite a buzzy café with excellent croissants.

In Le Journal

Good service...

The future of fast foodthat's for sure, healthy!

Suu Kyi on the way to government.and France leaning to the right.

2017 will be the time for Aboriginal Recognitionand posible my return home.

Collins Square at Kino to see 'Truth' with Cate Blanchett and Harcey Keitel.

Lunch with Di, Roddy and Derek was fab, and then David M arrived for cake and coffee and we were able to finally see Theorem where they all felt great nostalgia. David then kindly drove me to Malvern Starion to meet with Genevieve where we had a very important meeting about Interfaith.

Later, I rang Maisie to discover that her Mum is now in hospital with suspect pneumonia. Luckily Maisieis  going out to a show tonight to clear her mind a little.

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