Sunday 20 December 2015

Countdown to Christmas

Today has already been a big one, with Tiwhanawhana to come to night and the news that two of our Whanau have lost their father in Masterton, about four hours drive east of Wellington. Tomorrow is the cremation, and it is Keri's dad, one of my favourites, whom I noticed last week behaving a bit differently with Karamia who was giving her lots of loving attention. This then was the reason, she knew her father was translating.

The morning was ordinary, although I did miss the 9.40 bus, with Trevor driving. So a morning at Memphis, quite normal, resulted in a more dramatic afternoon at home cooking for the 'taonga' tomorrow. Kevin has invited people to go with him, but I am no Maori so I don't expect to go but have quickly baked a gluten-free orange cake to send up. Let's hope it is a success. Perhaps I should take it tonight to give to Kevin just in case. I wonder if our evening tonight with be one of mourning rather than celebrating? In the mean time I baked a spinach frittata using sugar instead of flour... Is that a senior's moment or what? Oh well, I'll just say it is a sweet not a savoury spinach pie!
Busy at Memphis with regulars..

A columnist who says it clearly,Te Reo Maori should be a compulsory school subject.

The PM is a twit, he cannot close his bog mouth.

NZ Ballet a 'force majeure'

Another amazing Kiwi achiever... Monkhouse giving electric rail to Moscow in 1900s!

This is the next Bradman for NZ!

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