Thursday 10 December 2015

Sydney electrical storms and bad weather!

Last night's arrival was delayed by ninety minutes because of a severe electrical storm over Sydney's eastern suburbs, so I arrived at Mike's after ten pm instead of the scheduled eight-thirty. We spent an hour holed up in the plane on the tarmac as they wouldn't allow us to disembark during the storm.

But all was well with Mike and he brought me up to date. Dinner is Thursday instead of Friday, so my RV with Malcolm will just be for lunch today at the Gnostic Café at Woy Woy. It's better really, as he will tell me all I need to hear in a few hours. I now have Saturday free to organise for myself unless I get a pressing invitation to the wedding of the year, Anarchist Bernie and Danish hippie wife. They both stayed with me in Hobart so I suppose I may be welcome, but it all depends on bro, after all it is his family, not mine.

In the meantime, things with PK are not happening so no visit there. Peter is not well and not receiving visitors.  Am well on the outer there, but it will just take some more time for him to  recover his health and equanimity. He is presently very fragile and needs to be alone. At least I will just have a quiet Saturday to catch a movie at Circular Quay Dendy and perhaps a ferry trip to Manly as I always love to do. And a bit of shopping of course.

This hint of bad weather as we neared touch-down at Kingsford Smith airport, half an hour late.

Nice memory of Mary and Fred's last supper.

Am now quite ready for my imminent return to the shaky isles and am hoping my house is still the same as when I left it. Niki the new girl loves to redecorate, so I feel so there may well be some changes. I will roll with the blows and go with the flow. Tomorrow I see Gail and her new grandchild whom she is so proud of. This will be a nice visit.

Train to Woy Woy to see Malcolm, multi-national family of course as is everywhere you look now in OZ. 

The Herald this morning, showed Tony Abbott still trying to flex his ugly muscles on the political scene when he is well and truly not welcome. He does far more bad than good, and needs to be put out to pasture, forever. It makes my return to Kiwiland even more welcome, as the politics in Australia is increasingly difficult to swallow.

At Gnostic Café Woy Woywith Malcolm...

At home with his lovely chooks!

Bro Mike serving champersat the excellent dinner he cooked for five of us at Matraville.
A selfie with oldest bro Peter

A very pleasant dinner with Annie and Fay an actress friend of Mike's who chatted on like old friends.

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