Friday 18 December 2015

Saturday before Christmas

I am at Café Rubia in Newtown. Always good coffee and croissant. I am interrupted with constant texts fom Niki about dinner plans and for also Christmas, which she is taking so seriously.
I will just go with the flow, as she loves to do everything but can become a little distracted. I'll have to watch just how much she does on Christmas Day so she is not under any pressure. She has big plans and I have little ones lol!
Great photography in early sixtiesI recognise my generation.. 

The boss, at Rubia...

Still NYC insider-trading only twenty-eight but caught a great cost.

And Christine Lagarde up for neglicence too!

Cecil Rhodes being a racist colonial.

The late great Aussie, Prof Davies said that sound was the origin of the creation of the universes, just as the ECK has always said btw.

Oriental Bay in 1961,much the same today.

Protestant NZ had a tough time educating the young about sex and my Scottish dancing friend Dame Margaret Sparrow was a pioneer also.

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