Tuesday 22 December 2015

Funeral and fine weather

Yesterday at Masterton in the beautiful Wairarapa was a great excursion into Kiwi life in the country, and a very interesting and touching one at that. The large Maori family unit was evident, and in a blended family with the father not a a good breadwinner to say the least. But the family was a solid and loving unit, with the variery of children in the remaining ten covering the large spectrum of diversity that exists today. And they know it.
Smiling at Christmas..cheap at $69!

A really happy three-legged letting us knowhow happy he is...

The scene of the Tangiat Masterton 

Mark Reason says the truth...McCullum was seriously flawed...

Happy punters at the Memphis..

...on a beautiful sunny day.

Baked new orange cake, not very happy with recipe, but we'll see.
Am escaping tonight to see the recent Star Wars spectacular, I am not sure I'll like it but everyone else has!
What can I say, I was never a Star Wars fan and now I really know why. An embarrassing HarrisonFord cameos in this latest JJ Abrams block-buster but it left me cold and I even went to sleep during some of the pyrotechnics.
For the die-hards, perhaps it's great, and many giggled at parts which I ignored. I am not a cognoscenti and that's about it.

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