Monday 28 December 2015

Going to Norsewood

Woke up to news that the French housemate LJ has to return next week to France, some mix-up with his work permit it seems. Probably the French bureaucracy at its worst, coupled with NZ's anal propensity to do things right all the time. But it is quite a trip back to France and he certainly intends to return,  however I don't think he will return to my place as he has now missed the boat, so-to-speak. All I have to do now is to re-advertise for someone on my return in January, as it's not worth doing much beforehand as I leave next week for Brisbame. Ah well, them's the breaks when you are a land-lord! At least he had paid a fortnight's bond money, thank god I had organisd that.
Hillary should win the Democratic nominationbut it will be a dirty fight to the end, no doubt.

UK in trouble with severe floodsglobal warming or what?

New gutsiness in Wellingtonwith a Bondi guy seeking to establish a chic spectacles outlet in Wellie.

I have just got my watch battery replaced for  $20, probably cost ten in OZ, but here I get a warranty card of battery life for two years. This is how to make money here, and the service to prove my hour's wait I buy an interesting book on George Plimpton, founder of the NY Paris Review, from Unity Books, and I miss not one, but two buses.

Now off home to pack for my Wairarapa trip as I had hoped to leave at two and arrive around six pm which would be good as I hope to avoid the holiday traffic. 

Well  a bit of drama! Just received a text from Gail on my return home. Gail, whom I had assumed wasn't coming to see me, had apparently arrived at the Memphis at 1.40pm expecting me there and now I am home and practically on my way to the country. I quickly decide to forego the RV and let her stay with Marie as she has been with her for the ten days already and didn't answer when I rang yesterday.

However later en route to Norsewood I regret my rather rash and selfish decision, as I realise she had made a special trip to see me and now I ring her to apologise and discover she is on the train back to Porirua where she has been staying with Marie. There had obviously been a serious misunderstanding as she thought I was at the Memphis for the afternoon, not just for the morning as I had texted her.

More than abashed, somewhat ashamed of my action, I now text her my abject apologies, but really I hadn't heard from her about coming at all, and I didn't know her situation. However I really could have abandoned my plans for Norsewood and left later, but now it is too late, it is done and I must live with it. I feel really bad and hope one day I can make amends.

My three hour drive to Norsewood is now filled with regrets that I have wasted Gail's trip to see me. I wonder now how I made this rash decision. It was possibly Niki's presence in the house that had had a negative effect as she had started house cleaning again and my thoughts were not clear. I really need not to allow her to come into my life in a negative fashion. It is a challenge which I must meet and win, as she is only being herself, even if it is a bit of OCD behaviour. As for Gail, I am sure she will forgive me, but the question is, will I forgive myself?

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