Thursday, 31 March 2016

More interviews...

Today at the Memphis I am seeing Julian Vail, sounds like a fictitious character in a mystey novel, but he is a young Uni student stydying Psychology who is keen to see my house and look at the room. Who knows?

Below, an example of the great Kiwi naiveté, this time being acknowledged.
And an example of the Kiwi brilliance, a cosmetic surgeon being remembered on film for his amazing war-time work with severely damaged English warriors.
Below is Eddie of the Memphis, with his cousin. Eddie loves unconditionally...
This weekend is rocking at Waitangi Park with all local bands playing....
Kiwi cricketers dogged with bad luck, or do they just drop when the hour is upon them?
More texting at Memphis..

Well the young man, 19 years old appeared and we had a coffee and chat. He was extremely personable and quite mature, assuring me he wasn't a student drinker. Born under the Sign of Taurus, he is solid and when we got home to see the room he opened up like a book. He is indeed a spiritual seeker and we spoke of many things ECK and Jungian....he is obviously an old soul on a voyage of discovery at a very young age...

After a lovely Satsang at Flashdog I arrived home and got a text to say he has decided to take the room and will transfer the money tonight to my account. I already have three others interested who will now miss out.

Julian Vail outside his new home...

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Joe's interview

Yesterday I accidentally met Joe, the Indian from Toast Masters. I was in the bus going to Hataitai. It was a strange encounter as I rarely take the number 14 bus, and he seems very keen to be friendly. He asked if I knew of a room available. Well I do and I have one, so he is coming to Memphis today so we can to go home for him to see Howell's room. He may or may not, be the one to take. We'll see how he shapes up.
David being barista while Anita texts.
Melanoma on the increase in NZ. The health system here does have a lot to be fixed.
Mental health in particular, is in a state of crisis I believe....

Page three news from yesterday, with Carmen in Green Lights
The feud between the vain ego of Kevin Rudd and the solid hard work of Helen Clark. I really hope she wins this big job in the UN.
The next movie to see, perhaps tomorrow night.
Below Italy is one of the healthiest countries in the world for good natural food, and I'm not surprised as they love their food. Natural, unrefined foods with low sugar and salt is the way to go. Little red meat and and lots or fibre, legumes and vegetables is the way to good health. And sitting down ot eat, not on the run!

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Wednesday for Carmen Rupe

In at Memphis with Tom, Anita and then Gloria, quite busy. Am soon off to the Portrait Gallery where a new poratrait of legendary trans girl Carmen Rupe is being unveiled by the Mayor.
A good crowd was there and we in Tiwhanawhana sang a Waitata in Carmen's honour.

Then further along at Anglican St Paul's with Interfaith mob, we had a recollection for the lost people in the Isis bombings around the world. Many talks by Muslim Imams and Jewish Rabbis.
This is in Brisbane, a step further to the cashless society.
Boxing is a stupid sport, more like a big money spinner with many casualties.
This man in a coma for days...!
Kiwi strange stories of which there are many.....
Crazy flag referendum, symptomatic of a juvenile government.
What Kiwis love, a big wedding with lots of 'The Mob'.

Is Mick just trying a little too hard at 72? I wonder how much longer they will last as The Rollng Stones...?

Carmen's smile is now lighting up the National Portrait Gallery....
The artist, centre, and Caren's trans good mate Dana, with the mayor showing the Green Light for Carmen which is to be installed on Cuba Street at Vivian intersection probably.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Back at Memphis again..

HGlad to be home in this great autumn weather, Memphis welcomes me home with a free coffee.....
A classic Kiwi legend on the tellie...
The foolish PM.....
Installing rhe new drinks cabinet and out with Coca Cola.....
The best friends.....
Boris Johnson shown to be a boffin, in the same class nearly as his US counterpart Donald Trump.

Haircut day today with Rodrigo this time, the Brazilian owner of Godfather. He gives me a new haircut and I drop into Pegasus second hand bookstore and find two books I am happy to have on my shelves. James Baldwin's 'Another Country', which I want to re-read, and David Leavitt's Book of Gay Short Stories in the US. It wiill be a good read. Now to take two books to give to Memphis tomorrow.

Tired today after picking up my ten dollar farmers'  basket at Miramar I am home for an early night.

Last Day at sunny Norsewood

The locals turn out to have a coffee at Café Norswood, with Mulan the Cambodian proprietor being the barista today. I am with Tom and Brent but I stay on for a piece of her carrot cake while they retire to prepare for our noon deoarture today. We will be scheduled to return about five this afternoon as Heta has told me my partner is waiting for me at the Danss class at five pm.
The crowd at the café...
Again the women show their strength and here is a prime example of the the female presence in the Police Force
Poor John Key....
The old flag reigns supreme...

This is the blue sky that was the final and best weather day of our four day Easter. We are not hurrying home as for sure the Danss session hastily contrived by Heta will be a no-show. So we will leave when we wish and have bo pressure of departing.

I have since discovered a must-read book on Tom's expansive bookshelves, called Gay Soul, a series of interviews from the early nineties with gay luminaries in writing and healing recounting their lives of being an emancipated Soul and active gay male community leaders.

It is really quite a seminal read for me, as it encompasses many of my own experiences between these   covers, although the only writer I had heard of before was Ram Dass, a well known spiritual guru who turned out to be gay.
It has set me thinking in new optimistic ways about my contribution to the gay/mainstream talkfest and I may well now decide to stay with TM as there are things to be said there which only I am able to say.
It is a very interesting read indeed.

Coffee and picnic under the Weeping Elm

First coffee of day with café owner Mulan at the local...
...later reading the great Kiwi gastronomical quarterly 'Cuisine'
...where recipes like these mussels are perfectly described...
..written for the average cook, like me.
..and barista Blake serves a mean coffee!
The cruise ship to end all cruise ships...The World.
Smiling under the Elm at the back of Tom's gorgeous garden...
...alfresco lunch after visting the small but excellent farmers' market at Otane. 

This Hawke's Bay area at the top of the prestigious Wairarapa region has its inimitable charm of an unspoiled nature. Quintessential New Zealand personalities populate the various villages dotted over an exquisite landscape. Do they know how lucky they are?

The day was not finished until a very late visitor by the name of Maggie arrived, bottle Pinot Noir in hand, and well primed for a long chat. She was Tom's neighbour and a lovely woman about my age who has lifed a life on the edge. Born in Otaki she is now a paid-up member of the local Biker fraternity and likes a drink, to say the least. She recounted several stories amongst which was a recent road-trip   to Auckland in the middle of the night to see the recently bereaved daughter of her best friend. It made the Mad Max movie sound tame!

Also she is a stong supporter of keeping the local pub open which is about to close. She thinks the locals should band together to buy it. It is a good idea and could well be a successful one I think as the community here is strong and focussed. 

She left about ten pm and we tumbled into bed.

Visit to Hastings

The local cafe offers us some  good strong coffee to start yet another typical wet and cold Norsewood day. They're tough up here in Skandiland.
Waiting with Tom and Brent for Saturday's coffee in the next door Café in Norsewood.
With the walls covered with local historical talent....
Cattle (and sheep) being the major industry...
Michael King, a major Kiwi writer, tragically died with his wife in a car accident just after being told he was in remission from cancer. He wrote the seminal Penguin History of New Zealand.
A real problem with Mental Health Department in NZ - here where a man's whole family died; a psychotic teenager murdering his brother, the eldest dying in a motor cycle accident, his wife from renal failure and his only daughter in a home with meningitis. 
Tom Scott being digitally immortalised with the help of another talented Indian Kiwi.
A new trek at Paekakariki which I may well do one looks ab fab and within my modest athletic reach.
World Choral Champions in 1992, typical of the great choral talent which abounds in this small country..
The PM losing his new flag and his Mana!

Today we drove one hour to Hastings just near Napier to have some Turkish lunch and visit a house Tom's  evaluating for a friend to buy. It was small but neat and the tenant generously showed us through to Tom's delight. He is able to recommend it to his friend.

Hastings is quite an Art Deco sort of town, formerly ahead of Napier but now having fallen well behind it is making small steps in recovery so an investment property there would be a wise choice at present.
Today has been a grey day but the rain seems to be gone and the next two days should hopefully be warmer and sunny.