Monday 21 March 2016

Sunny Tuesday

Last night at the The Paramount I saw the recent Coen Bros movie 'Hail  Caesar', a homage to Hollywood of the forties and  with George Clooney in a hamfisted portrayal of the male star system operating in Hollywood. It's a story of the Commie infiltration and they treated it with humour rather than the seriousness which Washington treated the writers during the McCarthy purge in the fifties.
 But it was still an amusing satire with a newcomer cowboy called Alden Ehrenreich stealing the show for me and who I think will become a big future star.
Eddie enjoyng his coffee...
..with more clients having their fill.
Still at it - the Stones vs Trump.
Amazing adventure stories stimulating a trek which could be fatal..
Fonterra is suspect at the top. I always felt it was a millionaire company and not for the average person.
Interesting to see what will eventuate here, I will get to vote absentee and not unfortunately for Turnbull although I like him. I just cannot vote Liberal.
Historic visit to Cuba by Barack and Michelle.

Also booked a ticket to hear NZSO at Michael Fowler Centre on April 3 to hear Mahler and conducted for the first time by incoming music director Edo De Waart - can't miss this important arrival in the Wellington arts scene.

At my bus stop on the way home we are not all spoiled with great living in Wellington...!

So after a quick trip home for lunch and helping Alice with her tyre puncture, (but with the essential help of kind neighbour Matt who had the tools and the required skill for gluing patches), I decided to see how tough life was for the Jews during the war and their extermination by Hitler and the Nazis. Life is too sweet in Wellington so I have to see the other side. Am I a masochist or what?
This will doubtless be a harrowing movie so I'll let you know about it later.

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