Thursday 17 March 2016

Friday before Cubadupa

A quiet morningb at Memphis before tomorrow's onslaught of the Cubadupa festival for two days which last year was big but this year will be even bigger.
Yet another Kiwi success story at the top of Music distribution in the US. Christchurch educated now an industry world supremo.
And here a man knocks a cyclist off the road but loses his licence because the cyclst had cameras on his bike!
Pina Bausch for tomorrow's excitement...
At the bottom of Dixon Street a wooden sculpture is appearing...
Boyz at work.....outside Memphis.
Tourism is NZ's biggest money earner, surely everyone knew? Not Fonterra apparently! 
A stylish handler in white shows how to do it!
Really the world Shotput champion!
Eddie at Memphis...
Along with Gloria gearing up for Cuba Dupa!

And tonight I caught a great Japanese movie at Cuba Lighthouse called 'An' a touching story of simple food and personal redemption, exquisitely screened and beautifully acted. A truly uplifting movie!

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