Tuesday 1 March 2016

Autumn arriving...

Back at Memphis and it's cooler today, intimations of Autumn, which officially began yesterday. It is doubtless my favourite season of all, especially when you actually feel the change, see the colours of the leaves turn Autumn-hues and fall from the trees. This is what makes me feel warm and easy with the thought the cooler weather is ahead. We have had a fantastic summer in Wellington, the best for forty or so years, and it must he a result of the climate warming as the same has happened in Sydney and Melbourne where it has been just too hot. I still wonder whether I could survive a full summer in Australia? But then I wouldn't have too, I know now where to go, wonderful Wellie is always there for me.

Bowie is throbbing in the background with 'Love is the drug', Johnny's serving us a big dose of DB these days, but it is a nostalgic time after all, and Bowie was very good.
Nicola Sturgeon will be the first PM of independent Scotland...that is why she is voting with Boris to get out of the EU. She knows that if it happens, wealthy Scotland will revolt, fully and effectively this time, and achieve its longed-for independence.

Here is a young Minnesota girl, Kelly Cooney, a successful Curator at Te Papa of  The Dreamworks 
Exhibition. Her smile reminds me so much of my Minnesota  friend Debra, who is also a 'can do' sort of woman. This is a show I haven't seen yet, but which I should visit before it disappears to the UK. I am not an enormous fan of animation,  but it is an amazing skill and the work involved is gigantic so to see how it all works would be a great education. I will go.

This backdrop of a lost Dali painting for 'La Verita', a Swiss piece of theatre of circus and acrobatics looks worth seeing. Until March 7 ....I think it is a must!

Exactly iwhat I needed to see, the Aussie PM crying for the Aborigines and I understand exactly how he feels. The injustices wrought upon our Aboriginal brothers and sisters have been so incredible it is hardto imagine anyone going through such a denial of one's birthrights. It is is indeed a sign that the times are changing in OZ and when I return, possibly next year, there will be a different and more accessible climate to work in for Native Sovereignty claim, and I will enter it with them. I am wondering if Newcastle is too hot, could my little, magical Mallacoota, on the lower South Coast, just below the Victorian border, be a possiblility. I will check it tout. I am aiming for my next step to be a small, but large one. Giving up on vehicles, increasing internet productivity and doing community meetups. But in a sympathetic area, with a not so hot climate which Mallacoota could provide. Who knows?

This is the  competition that I wanted to witness, a rousing schoolboy althletics comp.

Where Wellington College won and here is the school captain, Lliam Web, showing how it feels winning the  McVedy Shield for the fiftieth time.

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