Monday 28 March 2016

Last Day at sunny Norsewood

The locals turn out to have a coffee at Café Norswood, with Mulan the Cambodian proprietor being the barista today. I am with Tom and Brent but I stay on for a piece of her carrot cake while they retire to prepare for our noon deoarture today. We will be scheduled to return about five this afternoon as Heta has told me my partner is waiting for me at the Danss class at five pm.
The crowd at the café...
Again the women show their strength and here is a prime example of the the female presence in the Police Force
Poor John Key....
The old flag reigns supreme...

This is the blue sky that was the final and best weather day of our four day Easter. We are not hurrying home as for sure the Danss session hastily contrived by Heta will be a no-show. So we will leave when we wish and have bo pressure of departing.

I have since discovered a must-read book on Tom's expansive bookshelves, called Gay Soul, a series of interviews from the early nineties with gay luminaries in writing and healing recounting their lives of being an emancipated Soul and active gay male community leaders.

It is really quite a seminal read for me, as it encompasses many of my own experiences between these   covers, although the only writer I had heard of before was Ram Dass, a well known spiritual guru who turned out to be gay.
It has set me thinking in new optimistic ways about my contribution to the gay/mainstream talkfest and I may well now decide to stay with TM as there are things to be said there which only I am able to say.
It is a very interesting read indeed.

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