Sunday 20 March 2016

Still considering...

My weekend at Cuba Dupa just confirmed the wonders of Wellington. A super celebration organised in this tiny city with a plethora of entertainment. And with perfect weather, hard to believe but Wellington has taken over as the best Kiwi weather.
Typical of the fun in Cuba Street

More journalists weighing in on the US political dramas...
...showing how much politics is a dirty game, whoever is plays it.
Johnny recovering from a very busy weekend...
Two young entrepreneurial Kiwis making Coconut Yoghurt with great success. So many people are dairy-intolerant they have cornered a niche market.

I say at the top 'still considering' as this country/city has so seduced me it is hard to consider living anywhere else. But being a staunch Aussie, albeit an international one, I have always the lure of the wide brown land to take me home. But it is just that, the harsh physical climate of OZ with the Conservative politics still reigning with its insistence that gay marriage is not the right thing, both these aspects of OZ are not attractive to me, but as I am getting older I have to get over the fact that things like politics shouldn't rule my existence. Just be patient time will tell....

I am in Memphis waiting for Elise and Nino to come in with Gloria as I want to meet this Swedish boyfriend Elise has told me so much about. Then home to prepare for the next Interfaith meeting tonight with Tiwhanawhana cancelled because of this meeting at the new WCC venue -  it will be interesting to see how it will work out.

Gloria below, being discreet with the two beauties in the foreground, Elise and Nino Mazzo

I had a nice talk with this great young couple from Montreal and Sweden, via Norway where they first met eighteen months ago.

Elise is doing  her Master's degree in Psychology in Indigenous Peoples and Nino a degree in adventure Treking and Business Management in Queenstown. They met when both were in Norway and now are leading very exciting lives discovering the riches of New Zealand, and also the expense of living in millionaire town Queenstown. We chatted away and they are off tomorrow by bus to Auckland when his brother from Switzerland is joining him by car travel to Queenstown. Ooh to be young again!

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