Friday 11 March 2016

Saturday on the Stage

Another very big day today which is the Gay Pride March in Welly. A small event in comparison with others but very typically intimate and friendly as are all Wellington affairs. We in Tiwhanawhana were invited to perform the opening Waitas and amongst the speakers were Des and his partner, and it was the start of a wonderful day's entertainment and fun in Waitangi Park. 

Many hundreds turned out and the weather was fine cloudy and sunny and just perfect. I spent two hours on the DSW Stall and doing a Danss gig as well, so by two pm when I met up again with the Mexican from last night, Cesar, who incidentally spent the night on our couch instead of sharing a night in a four bunk room at Base Hostel. We then got home in time for him to pack and make his Adelaide flight scheduled for five pm. He is on his way to Oz for a week and will do Byron Bay and Sydney before he returns to Minneapolis where he lives. He is a delightful man and was happy to accept our warm Welly hospitality. He was really going to OZ to catch Madonna's final concert in Sydney.
Witi on the front page again, he is getting a little over exposed methinks.
Kiwis on their way to Thailand for a Tooth Holiday, this is getting more and more popular as the price of dental treatment here is exhorbitant.
Old NZ nostalgia sets in, it's not difficult to experience old NZ as it is everywhere.
This Greek Icon is in the mold of the Mathias at Memphis Belle, a great worker and generous Soul.
Me with Mexican Cesar at Flash Dog Studios where we had a lovely dinner by Viva and David. He later stayed the night on our couch...
Some fabulous costumes at the Gay Fair in Waitangi Park.
Brought over from Melbourne was local favourite Drag Diva Polly Filla.
Our two Icons Des and his partner on the stage in Waitangi Park where we performed.

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