Sunday 6 March 2016

Will Australia vote in marriage equality?

The Aussie PM is a weakling and is offering a plebiscite on gay marriage, what a cop-out!
And here is ex-Aussie on his fourth marriage to fading model Jerry Hall...what a life is that!
Robert Dessaix over for the festival, may catch his always interesting talk...
This ballet was one I should not have missed!
Cartoon says it all re flag debate.....
Kiwi music will suffer if frunding for music taken from schools...if only we had had music at my school..NADA!

After Memphis and coffee with Tom I popped into the cuty library, which is always fruitful, to read some mags and picked up the Aussie Art Scene with some interesting articles, especially this one of the mad genius from Tasmania David Walsh, of MONA fame, who really has to be acknowledged for what he has done for the Tasmanian economy single-handedly.

Home for a rest before Tiwhanawhana tonight. Howell texts me with a change of heart about leaving...

He comes home early and says he is mixed up and needs to chat. He is lonely and the roommates here are very busy and not chatty unfortunately...he does need some friends his own age. I only hope he can readjust and make some good friends. So back to the beginning, what a lot of energy expended for nothing, but I met two nice possible guys for the future, Boaz from Israel and Nitesh from India.
Below is Howell having just decided to stay on here in his beautiful room. Let's hope he gets used to living here in windy Wellington and gets over his home-sickness!
He is a delightful twenty-three year old.

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