Monday 28 March 2016

Visit to Hastings

The local cafe offers us some  good strong coffee to start yet another typical wet and cold Norsewood day. They're tough up here in Skandiland.
Waiting with Tom and Brent for Saturday's coffee in the next door Café in Norsewood.
With the walls covered with local historical talent....
Cattle (and sheep) being the major industry...
Michael King, a major Kiwi writer, tragically died with his wife in a car accident just after being told he was in remission from cancer. He wrote the seminal Penguin History of New Zealand.
A real problem with Mental Health Department in NZ - here where a man's whole family died; a psychotic teenager murdering his brother, the eldest dying in a motor cycle accident, his wife from renal failure and his only daughter in a home with meningitis. 
Tom Scott being digitally immortalised with the help of another talented Indian Kiwi.
A new trek at Paekakariki which I may well do one looks ab fab and within my modest athletic reach.
World Choral Champions in 1992, typical of the great choral talent which abounds in this small country..
The PM losing his new flag and his Mana!

Today we drove one hour to Hastings just near Napier to have some Turkish lunch and visit a house Tom's  evaluating for a friend to buy. It was small but neat and the tenant generously showed us through to Tom's delight. He is able to recommend it to his friend.

Hastings is quite an Art Deco sort of town, formerly ahead of Napier but now having fallen well behind it is making small steps in recovery so an investment property there would be a wise choice at present.
Today has been a grey day but the rain seems to be gone and the next two days should hopefully be warmer and sunny.

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