Monday 14 March 2016

Dinner with Paul

Morning at Memphis woth Gloria, still with a cold from OZ. Weather is rain today finally and we need some.
Am glad to hear Australia is outdoing NZ taking in taking many more refugees than it appears come to these shores, but at least there is a group shouting out loud about it for a change.
Cliff Curtis playing Jesus, this is a must-see!
Am not surprised there will be a backlash against this 'wonder-woman'.
Australia being silly about gay marriage equality, and spending a lot of unnecessary money.
Brazil in headlines with more corruption.....
Is this a good idea to make some handy extra cash? Perhaps not
More anti-new flag will not change with this referendum, that's for sure.

Still rugby in the news all over the world..Now the Sevens!

Tonight was a nice dinner at Paul's and a catch-up after a long time...also a pickup of fresh veggies and fruit from Miramar with a very nice feeling about fresh produce, and a very big cabbage and pumpkin as well!

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