Wednesday 30 March 2016

Joe's interview

Yesterday I accidentally met Joe, the Indian from Toast Masters. I was in the bus going to Hataitai. It was a strange encounter as I rarely take the number 14 bus, and he seems very keen to be friendly. He asked if I knew of a room available. Well I do and I have one, so he is coming to Memphis today so we can to go home for him to see Howell's room. He may or may not, be the one to take. We'll see how he shapes up.
David being barista while Anita texts.
Melanoma on the increase in NZ. The health system here does have a lot to be fixed.
Mental health in particular, is in a state of crisis I believe....

Page three news from yesterday, with Carmen in Green Lights
The feud between the vain ego of Kevin Rudd and the solid hard work of Helen Clark. I really hope she wins this big job in the UN.
The next movie to see, perhaps tomorrow night.
Below Italy is one of the healthiest countries in the world for good natural food, and I'm not surprised as they love their food. Natural, unrefined foods with low sugar and salt is the way to go. Little red meat and and lots or fibre, legumes and vegetables is the way to good health. And sitting down ot eat, not on the run!

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