Monday 7 March 2016

Wet Tuesday

Rain finally which we needed but still quite pleasant temperature-wise. News about merging Wellington council with Porirua which is exactly the way Fran Wilde wanted things. Wellington has a rough future if it stays by itself as it is not expanding properly in population. 
Many many water tragedies in NZ....
Canabis exports the way to go this man says, but is NZ up to it?
Again advice to amalgamate or at least plan together for mutual benefit.
More expert advice about co-operation between Government bodies...
This advice I would love to use more fully as I know the incredible value of herbs...
Poor demented ex PM Abbott, what on earth will become of him now?
Moore-Wilsons, the Gourmet go-to in Wellington.
Reminds me of a more reasonably priced Harrods Food Hall in London.
This fabulous Kiwi Maori movie 'Mahana', which should win gongs at any festival. Just beautifully acted and filmed in  wonderful  colour and content. Six stars! Showing now all over Wellington.

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