Tuesday 20 December 2016

Cooking day

Hot again today but am now ready to start baking for my Christmas contribution. Ginger and choc chip cookies to give to some selected friends.
Coffee at Ruby's is always good and the news pretty terrible, but that's what you get if you read the papers. Below is an example of the sublime and the sad, the tragic and the ridiculous. That's life in the lower worlds I'm afraid. I will soon be flying to Brisbane to get a taste of the higher worlds and I am so much looking forward to this trip.

Last night sunset at Ocean Beach after a sublime swim.
Local politics is so discouraging this long planned airport will be a nightmare I know.
What goes on with powerful men...unedifying to say the least.
What goes on in State policing....always corrupt.
The madness of Isis and hate religions...murder and mayhem.
More tragedies in Europe, in Berlin this time....
Trump has made it into the White House....OMG!
This is the local paper's front page, a hair-cut and a report of the awful road toll....?!

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