Thursday 1 December 2016

Shed appears, miracle!

Well ever since my stuff arrived I have hardly had time to think, let alone blog!
 But today Martin the handyman came to build the shed which will take I hope some of the overload I have accumulated  over the years. I do want to get rid of a lot but there is no storage in this cabin so some 'stuff' has to be stored. Time will tell what I decide to keep.  Martin quoted two hours for the shed, he made a couple of mistakes, par for the course, but it was all done in two and half hours with a few pieces left over which he didn't know what they were for. It is never that simple building a shed, and time will tell if it is water-proof or not. I somehow  doubt it.
And about time for is an historic moment when Stolen Generations are recognised for the travesty of Human Rights that this was, and still is!
She seems to have it all but her pin-up pollie is Margaret Thatcher.. I wonder?
This could be the next big Aussie movie, hope to catch it.
Am recovering at Ruby's with a coffee after the hectic buliding of the 'shed'.

Now back home to do more unpacking and giving stuff away. Tomorrow is off to Sydney for lunch with Helen E, and her two sons, Steve is just back from Berlin so it will be nice to hear his news. Will overnight at Mike's and perhaps manage to catch a movie as well. I think I deserve a break!

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