Friday 23 December 2016

Christmas cheer, and terror...

Last night Cherel and I saw a great movie  called 'United Kingdom' on at the Paradiso. Based on the true history of the African Republic of Botswana it told the vivid and gripping story of its last King and the revolution he began when falling in love and marrying a humble English girl while he was studying at Oxford. His country, in league with its colonial oppressors Great Britain, reacted badly and he was exiled for many years until with the help of some sympathetic English politicians he overturned his exile and rendered Botswana an independent democratic nation after discovering it had diamond mines as its inherent wealth.  Beautifully acted, and filmed in stupendous Africa, it was a perfect start to the festive season with Cherel offering me a lovely laksa at her beautiful home after the show.

However Christmas was a fearful thing for some in Melbourne this year with the biggest escape from planned terrorism yet in this very large and vulnerable country. Three venues were targetted with the great St Paul's Cathedral being one of them. Where is the world heading when a Christmas season starts like this?
More religious fanatics this time Lebanese extremists giving that great country a tainted reputation..
Aussie hero Hugh Jackman in Bondi saving the locals from a shark his dreams !
These were the targets..

But today, Christmas Day,  I am at Wyong Race Course where the Samaritans have regularly organised a lunch for those with nowhere to go. I am participating as a guest cum volunteer and the atmosphere is already a beauiful one with a marvellous singer of Maori birth, who is singing his heart out which he does every year I am told.
The volunteers settling in...
Offering a coffee which is very welcome...
The necessary selfie....
The music and spectacular singing of 'I Still call Australia Home'. Although he has been living here forty-five years Lambeth Bennett is his name and he is originally from Hawkes Bay NZ. Last night he sang at The Entrance festivities in front of ten thousand people and he donates every Christmas to the homeless here at Wyong Race Course. His voice is like golden syrup mixed with cream, very similar to that unequalled voice of 'the King' - Elvis.  People like Lambeth and the Samaritan volunteers make me feel that Christmas is as it should be and as it was originally intended, as a time to look after those who have less than ourselves.

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