Thursday 22 December 2016

Day before Christmas Eve

It's Friday, Christmas on Sunday, and I finally get my e-cards sent about a week too late I think as no-one will read their emails in the next few days! But at least they are sent from my i-mac which is now functioning OK and I even downloaded some photos. I know I need to spend some more time  cleaning it up and getting it to work with wifi  instead of wire-connected as it is at present.

I'll be interested to see if I get any replies to my e-cards which of course, are English northern hemisphere to the hilt.
Tammy the barista with flowers in her hair at Ruby's....
Trump looking decidedly dishevelled with his over-long red tie, what a sartorial disaster!
Getting ready for a Samaritans Christmas....
Clovelly, a beautiful beach where I lived for a year as a a $30 million hotel!
The dirt of ex PM Abbott is amazing....
But the serenity of this wonderful animal makes up for everything...

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