Tuesday 13 December 2016

More heat...and unbelievable cruelty!

We just had two days of 38 centigrade heat and it hasn't been too bad after all. The air-con was on for a while and it was a bit sticky at night, but the little cabin survived a heat test with only one picture falling from its place in the heat. That fixed up, I am now prepareing for my first overnight guest, with her pooch called Harold, coming tomorrow night from Melbourne on her way to Brisbane. Will be another interesting test for the cabin.
Aussie kids in the pool....
What is the story with the NBN roll-out, I am wondering if I will have to participate in this unilateral takeover of the communications?
Cathy Wilcox says it all with this cartoon....dangerous ground ahead.
The peaceful scene at Ocean Beach where I have a swim every dusk...
Great young dancers in the waiting-room...
Ruby's showing Christmas spirit.
The post traumatic stress from warfare cannot be underestimated..it is horrific.
This is the state of so called justice in the Northern Territory, unbelievable, and now we have a Royal Commission to prove it but will anything happen I wonder?

Shirley Hazzard, expat author dies after great career....

FitzSimons showing the lead, no sugar, no alcohol....

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