Friday 9 December 2016

Newcastle for Winnie the Pooh

Today a train to Newcastle, or Hamilton really, to see Billie, Rach's younger daughter, starring in Winnie the Pooh. She is not Pooh, but has a big role and she performed fabulously I think she has a real talent and I am sure will continue with it in later life.
David Walsh spearheads progress in Tassie again, with a proprosed Aboriginal Memorial Park and I only hope it happens as that is exactly what Tasmania needs. It might encourage me to go back there  to live one day as it is such a beautiful place.
This story of genocide has to be told....
Boys about to bash each other up, is this sport?
My favourite dessert...
Keating's best legacy was Mabo and here he is with Frank Cardiff's uncle, Jack Lang

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