Friday 30 December 2016

NYE...but where to next?

Sydney does it the best is the official opinion, but how many times can you continue to wonder at the most expensive show of fireworks over arguably the most beautiful harbour in the world?
Last year's effort -  will this year's be better, that is the question!
A picture of what I could have been, had I been a baby-boomer! I am not.
The truth about the surge of the too young departures among the biggest stars, and biggest drug users.
Australia's shame at the treatment of our refugees 
Ian Thorpe finally Out and Proud, with his boyfriend, good on them!
But poor Jamie hides, still in the closet, while Mariah reaps a few extra million dollars.
I watched this exciting game of cricket yesterday and felt sure the Aussie team would win, and they did. Big congratulation to them.

Today after a leisurely breakfast with Di at home, (she took me to a delightful small Japanese dinner last night at the local Umiya, somewhere to which I will return) I had a nice coffee at Ruby's, and will celebrate the final day of 2016 at the East Gosford Art Gallery which I hear has an excellent exhibition, and then home for  a quiet night in front of the now working tellie.

 Tonight will be quiet reflection on what has for many been a catastrophic year, but for me an excellent year of change, with next year, the Chinese Year of the Rooster, my sign, planning to be a whiz-banger!

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