Saturday 17 December 2016

Gout! More water please!

Today, Sunday, was a bit critical for me health-wise, as I discovered I was victim of gout. M mentioned the cause may be tomatoes and I realised immediately it was that as I had eaten a whole bag in less than a week. My brother who also suffered once from gout, was very sympathetic and counselled medications, but I feel that increased water and reduced acid will make all the difference. Already I feel better but it did make me aware that my long road trip to Brisbane, alone, might he ill-advised, especailly in the height of summer, so I went on the net amd found a cheap return flight with Jetstar from Newcastle. Gone are my visits with MaryLou and Jan, but I wll do them another time when I am not in a rush and it's not summer!
The lovely feeling of the books in Ruby's Café
Mad cricket fanatics but Pakistan is showing some true fightback material.
More attention to youth sucide is necessary and this young footballer is showng the way.
Dev Patel, a great actor, is a must-see in this movie with 'our Nicole'.
Another enormous talent from the Pasifikas, Parris, she is a wonder!
...and she had a billion downloads in her video clip dancing with Justin Bieber, who did not even appear in it! 

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