Saturday 31 December 2016

2017 Year of the Rooster (very soon!)

Well I slept through the stupendous Sydney fireworks and had a good eight hours sleep to herald in a healthy new year.  My first move was a coffee at Ruby's and and then the installation of a bird feeder and bird bath at my cabin entrance. It will be nice to hear the chirp of some happy birds throughout the day.
More deaths in custody don't sound good and reform is well overdue in this field.
As Damien Murphy says, Turnbull must get active and DO something if he is to survive the year as PM.
More paedophile abuse evident as this young man divulges his horrific past.
Ruby's is very busy on day one of 2017
The editorial says it all about the changes that must happen for Indigenous Australia to become the healthy place it should be.
The obsession with Sydney views is fast becoming a real money-earner, for some that is!

Now to make final preparations for my Thursday flight to Brisbane for the big ECK seminar where I have to have a small speech prepared. I am really looking forward to starting this year of the Rooster on a great note.

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