Monday 1 September 2014

Chew's Lane

Am having an excellent coffee at of all places, the Coffee Club, a franchise not known for its caffeine quality, but today a young French girl makes me a great and hot coffee. All good. I am in town onthe first day of Spring, sunny and mild, and am celebrating it with the purchase of a  P-Jacket which  was on sale on the weekend.  It is locally designed,  Meccano the brand name, but made of course in China. However on sale for a good price and it fits. Means I can now pass on some other coats in my wardrobe. Still having problems transferring money from Paypal to y ANZ account so have to do that later.  Sonny is moving out tonight into his new room so time to renovate the front room again, in expectation of Koroi's Saturday arrival. This young Islander will make a decided impression on the household, although he is a hard worker and I believe and we won't see much of him. Reduced Sonny's  Bond by $100 so he has some cash and now I will juggle my accounts to pay three hundred for my Car rego for twelve mobths, due this week. All is manageable however and I feel the new move may be a good one for at least twlve months which is when I may even be contemplating a move myself.

Springtime in Wellington is divine, at least in evidence of the last few days, and the city is alive and full of Election Fever, with not one, but two Musical satires playng the local stages. I just must get to one of them, either at Bats or the Circa Theatre.

Yesterday the ECK radio program went went and later the dance class was quite excting as we went a notch further in my skills with the waltz, reverse double chassee or something like that.

Make every day a winner as I am now sadly counting them. Fir is off for a week north to get some sun soon as she desperately needs a holiday. Also good to allow the new arrival some time to get established in his new house. Funny how all things seem to fit in as they should, without too much intervention on anyone's behalf?

My trip to Sydney in October is now next month and it will come in a flash. I am really looking forward to it as I will visit Newcastle for the first time in many years and it will confirm, or not, my possible plans for next year or later. Who know? There are just so may nice things about his city and at present the house is paying for itself, virtually. But I am not a Kiwi, and will never be one, as there are great differences as I continually am being made aware of. However there are certain things to be done in the next twelve months and I have to get them done, and properly.
Excellent coffee in Chew's Lane, below.
Around corner from the City Library

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