Wednesday 18 May 2016

Bad weather starts...

Back to Memphis but not yet ready for coffee... happy with lemon and ginger drink but it is quickly losing its charm, coming pre-prepared in a bottle, and just a little too sweet.

Below front page news about the horrific ritual abuse of this four year old resulting in his death. The perpetrator got ten years gaol and is now out but he is still the abuser he was. NZ seems to have a lot of domestic violence but this example is as bad as you can get, and involving Pasifikas and alcohol.
Another body found, this time in Dixon Street..what is happening to this society, in a city which is proud of its humanity?
...but Memphis goes on in Dixon Street, oblivious to all dangers!
Jane Bowron again stating the bleeding obvious, we are all born racist until we study how it happened. The true history sometimes is not written, we have to look deeper, but universal colonial abuse is rampant and mostly unacknowledged.
Today, May 19, I posted my good friend PK a book for his birthday, and enclosed a letter telling him of my eventual return to Oz this year, possibly not till December. We'll just see what happens. But the urge to return with this next all-important election looming in July in which I will certainly vote Labor, is a milestone and I want to be in Australia under a new regime. The Conservatives just have to go.

Tonight I have booked to see Michael Moore's latest offering, 'Where to invade next?' And it should tell some home truths about modern democracy. Moore is at least an independent thinker and supports Bernie Sanders in the forthcoming US primaries.

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