Wednesday 11 May 2016

Day of recovery

Today is a day to stay in bed. Last night my stomach was in a terrible condition and I was kept up all night. Luckily the gale winds and rain are also a good excuse to stay at home.
The hard to believe statistics about teenage suicide in the provincial city ofHastings, near Napier
The PM is obviously on delicate ground when he loses his cool, and is ejected from the Chamber.
It was about the enquiry into taxfree investment here but he still managed to walk off smiling. He is either a great actor or even more stupid than I had thought, the latter In strongly feel. 
The Waitangi Treaty trying to be validated somewhat, but like all Indigenous peoples, the Maori were totally disenfranchised and robbed of most of their land.
The leaks include a lot of wealthy Brits.
The US aret not quite up to Uni-sex toilets yet it seems according to this article.
Yep,the gales were certainly here today....and how!
Something good about the Kiwis, they care about refugees.
Bulls arrive as univited guests in outer Wellington!

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