Sunday 22 May 2016

New week, new ideas...

Beginning what seems to be a real return to the wet and cold Wellington weather.
The homeless here are suffering and there seems to be no solution as little  is being done to help them out. Wellington streets are full of homeless beggars, mostly Polynesian or Maori and it is quite heartbreaking to see.
Use the Maraes to help them out it is suggested..
Big news when kids graduate but they didn't know Te Reo!
Key's false budget.....
This is a really great theatre and an institution in Wellington....
More quakes will happen in the next decade in Wellington no doubt....
This Egyptian plane was apparently bombed...more terrorism?

The God in NZ is still sport, whatever shape it takes...but now the internet streams are taking the money from those who should get paid, like the sportspeople themselves. Above is Parker's father's adoration of his champion son. Let's hope the son's brain doesn't get damaged in the process of becoming World Heavyweight Champ!

I am sure that percentage-wise, Kiwis are more addicted to sport than the Arts, although what has attracted me here initailly was Wellington amd its vibrant artistic scene. However just consuming the arts voraciously as I have done is not the answer to my life's quest. Australia beckons, and it will be my next challenge, not running away, but just coming home.

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