Monday 2 May 2016

Tom at Memphis

Back to normal with coffee with Tom and Gloria at Memphis. Both are well and stories to tell.
The weather is still summery and I begin to regret wearing some winter clothes. It is so unseasonal the winter hospitality industry fears the snow will not be there for a good season of skiing. This is an industry of which New Zealand is justly proud.

Below the story of horrific sex depravity by a Catholic priest where he is gaoled for seven years but just too little, too late, think the many victims. These stories continue to surface and it will be another generation before all is admitted I'm afraid. But where is the compensation, both moral and legal? The Catholic church is totally guilty, and should really be bankrupted to pay for their crimes against humanity..
Another horror story which is hard to read....
Finally a good story of water views keeping one healthy. I can attest to that!
I decide to see, after much doubting that it is worth it, the vehicle for Maggie Smith which is said to be a tour de force. I hope so, and I am seeing it at The Paramount and will be the sole spectator I am sure  as it has come to the end of its run.

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