Thursday 26 May 2016

Friday and yet another Film Festival

I have discovered the Film Festival of Architecture and Design, what more can one ask for ?
It's on at the Embassy and today I caught the first movie about London photographer Norman Parkinson. It was a great synopsis of the scene in London in the fifties, sixties, and seventies, merging even into my era and one of the photographers shown, Terence Donovan, photographed me when I began my career as a model in 1972. So it was a blast from the past and 'Parks' certainly was the glamour photographer of that era.

But reality hit in the local paper with this killing being revisited in an awful way but bringing together a small town to unite in its grief. But how did it let this crazy murder happen? Authorities at fault yet again.
Below another great Kiwi talent living in the UK nearly under the radar, like so much of the exported talent from this small country.
This letter says scrap the famed Basin Reserve, it has outlived its time and the space needs to be used intelligently, not just for the small but powerful clique of emotional cricket fanatics.
Amelia Berry is an emerging star and certainly a name to watch in Opera circles.....

Today was busy at Memphis, Anita and Gloria in fine form.....
...and even Tom turned up.....

This was the film I saw at the Embassy, and 'Altina' may be the next one I see as it looks to be another great New York story

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