Sunday 1 May 2016

A Monday lift with Isaac

I was out waiting for my bus this morning on windy Evans Bay Parade amd while peering into my iPhone to see if I had missed the bus, I heard a cheery voice say 'get in'! It was a bright yellow van and the driver a dark younger man and he gesticulated and said 'C'mon, both of you!' as there was a girl also waiting who wasn't quite ready to be given a generous lift. I immediately clambered on to his van although the  bus was two minutes away as I was intrigued to see what he was about.
 It was the  second time I had been offered a lift to town but this one was different. 'My name is Isaac', he offered with a cheeky grin, 'and I only want the world to be a happy place'. No room for  negative people,  love makes the world go round or  some such stuff. He kept on speaking all the way into town and dropped me where I said on Courtenay place , but he would have taken me anywhere. I don't think he was working, It wasn't his car he confessed, it was his father's, but he just wanted to do a random act of kindness I believe. 
This is why I love Wellington! Things like this can happen every day, so thank you young Isaac, I hopeI can  return the favour one day, to someone anyway.

These two Americans  show how it is so easy to get lost in the bush in NZ, take a wrong turn and you may be gone, but they were  luckliy picked up with a heliocopter discovering them just in time.
My Dance Hall, the Thistle, being subjected to neighbour's complaints...pity about that!
And how  a Kiwi guy  in UK nearly killed himself, won't do that again he says!
Manuel Valls looking decidedly happier this time, giving an award to a Kiwi legend 
No, same sex marriages are good, there should he more of them in my opinion.
Jane, always amusing, says why not lose Auckland to the developers and keep Wellingtonl pristine as it is..not a bad idea!

Today was the first real night for Koujiro and he invited three Japanese friends home for a dinner. He is very hospitable and they were all lovely. As I thought, he left rhe kitchen in an impeccable condition, and we were both very happy with the result. He will be a great housemate I am convinced.

My night at Tiwhanawhana  was good as always and Bernie had returned from Malta with many stories of social injustice and intolerance towards gays in the Middle East. He is learning fast and hopes to return to help them in Istanbul.

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