Tuesday 10 May 2016

Wet Welly

Today is wet and cold, back to the Wellington I know so well. Memphis is always a refuge and the hot coffee and company are always good. Gloria and Tom come in to join me and I get Tom to consider my letter to T about home entertaining. But all is good amd I get a good result from a very considered letter to remind him discreetly we are a group here and we must respect each others' space.
Memphis refuge from the cold.
Manuel Valls taking extreme measures to control Jihad extremists.
Philipines politics in a crazy Trump-like scenario...where are we going?
Mark Reason giving some hope for the coming Rugby season. The players are all over-played and suffering from much head and body damage. Changes are afoot.

Home later to do a second draft for my speech next Sunday. After the Napier weekend training things may come out a bit different, and hopefully better. With this and Toastmasters I should improve, but it's all in the preparation. 
It's also interesting to hear the difference the absence of Eva Radic makes on the one o'clock Radio NZ Concert show 'Upbeat'. No-one can adequately replace her as she is a rare jewel.

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