Friday 13 May 2016

Saturday at Newtown

Fine again and a market visit finds me at Café Baobab for a date scone and good coffee.
Below is famed Kiwi scribe, poet Manhire gracing the large format of Saturday's Dom Post.This excellent newspaper is soon to be stabled with Fairfax it seems, so doubtless it will diminish in independence and originality, and probably lose several writers their jobs. Such is progress in the new digital age.
The locals at Baobab on Saturday morn....

Below.....This formerly convicted 'paedophile' is still claiming innocence which the majority of people seem to agree with. There was a Salem-style witch-hunt thirty years ago where a crèche in Christchurch was touted to be 'satanic'.
Ellis was gaoled for seven years and should be retrialled and compensated if innocent. His case is ultra strong and believeable but no-one wants to admit they were in the wrong. There were no kids abused at all and it was a great miscarriage of puritan justice.
Peter Ellis, a cover boy on the highly rated North & South magazine
Another example of Christchurch double standards, the insurance companies are mostly unreliable, self-interested and immoral.

What does all this make me think of New Zealand society? Well it certainly gives food for thought, 

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