Tuesday 24 May 2016

House change - again!

This morning as well as vile wind and stormy weather, I woke up to an emailfrom housemate T saying he was moving out in a week! As there is a two week notice involved, I replied OK, but there is a bond which ensures I have two weeks up my sleeve. It was predictable that as soon as the weather goes sour the opportunistic up and leave, but, hey, that's the name of the game when you have a sort of boarding house! Hopefully when the weather improves and I put the ad back up on Trademe I will get a suitable replacement.
This man won the elections in the Phillipines and dares to criticise the Catholic Church, more power to him, I suggest.
And Cherie Blair, she of the former UK PM's wife, is now making tons of money, but losing her case, this time to Amal Clooney who fights for rhe underdog, not like the Blairs, multi-millionaires that they both are.
The Basin Reserve I'm afraid is now more of a whilte elephant than ever. No more Test Cricket on these hallowed grounds.
Racisim is still alive and well in  the southern US courts, but what can the government do?
Thank god the Greens got in over the fascist Right in Austria, but only just!
These drones, I discover, are now in action in gaols, to serve the inmates! Last night's movie said it all the future is scary!
More Apps for ticketing, more power to those who undercut the Ticketek monoply.
I must remember one day to walk this trail....!

The Maori New Year of Matariki, according to the lunar calendar, it is really something that makes sense instead of our Gregorian Calendar, a construct from Rome!

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