Tuesday 17 May 2016

Recovery, it seems!

Well it's been a crazy week and I'm beginning to see the end of it. Today is quite cold, wet and windy, just the days Wellington has boasted of in the past, so it's a good day to see my friendly doctor in Lower Hutt and experience the difference of suburbia outside of Wellington. I missed the bus, intending to make it all by public transport as there is a good service from the city, so instead, after a welcome realisation at my I-phone shop that my phone was indeed out of charge, just wasn't showing anything, possibly badly plugged in overnight, who knows, I decided to have a quick hot lemon and ginger drink at Memphis and then drive to Lower Hutt. Don tells me what I already knew that I am recovering, but  after a quick ear syringe I take my leave and visit the local Westfield centre for a hot soup before my return home to rest for tonight's schedule.  

I unhappily had to cancel my appearance at Toast Masters today but better to get full health before a reappearance as you never know what happens there, and you need to be in really good form.
This is about the mess Real Estate agents can put you in, I don't trust any of them.
Breakfast at Memphis...
..with Bella patiently waiting outside!
Again some Kiw medical mal-practice which I continually hear about over here. But then Dr Deb in Gosford, did warn me years ago about the New Zealand medical system. It is now showing its true form.
An unwanted killing of a young woman and who knows what ugly minds were behind this...
The waiting room at Dr Don's Kopata practice in Lower Hutt.
I have begun reading again, after at least fifty years, one of my all favourite and formative books. Written by Jame Baldwin, whom I had the pleasure of meeting while living in Paris in 1970, it is a welcome revisiting of the 'outsider' in New York, and a book which shows me the style and truth of a writer whom I have always admired. A great book for a rainy day and night, and I may even cancel my Scottish Dancing tonight to enable me to recover fully from a week's illness, really. James Baldwin beckons, and I deserve him, and a longer rest.

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