Sunday 8 May 2016

Home to Welly

Last day at Napier was touching and happy/sad. We were a great group of ten motivated positive speakers.

Below, old b/w photo of Napier harbour -.little has changed.

We had a morning of debriefing and then lunch, a  funphoto In front of the pool and final farewells and a two hour wait for the shuttle bus.

Napier in the good old days....
Relaxing poolside in the sun after an intense weekend

With three beautiful and diverse colleagues...

...and Heather in the shade.

Finally after some drama with our shuttle bus leaving without us we managed to book another two taxis and arrive at Napier Airport just in time to be the last to checkin and board our plane to Wellington.
It was a happy arrival at the airport with Kel's Mum being there to greet us all.
Now on to do some shopping and attend Tiwhanawhana tonight!

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