Sunday 8 May 2016

Days two and three

It Is the end of a long and emotional day at the Positive Speakers weekend. We have all been fully prepared and have delivered today a twenty minute speech about our individual states of health and various earlier experiences. 

Among the ten of us there were ten totally different and fascinating stories, ones which the general public could never have dreamed of. The honesty and frankness related in the life stories was astounding to hear and we were all privileged to be part of this very special weekend workshop.

The facilitators were also excellent  and tonight we all received certificates in recognition of our   commitment. There were many tears shed as many previously untold truths and secrets were revealed. It was a joy to feel and see the relief in the eyes of the story-tellers after their sometimes terrifying tales of medcal malpractice were told.

Tomorrow we will be debriefed and all return to our various homes, a lot wiser and many much happier than when we arrived last Friday. Friendships have been created with such disparate people, of enormous ages differences and of many nationalities. These friendships will always be there,enduring because  of the common and life-affirming bond of all being hiv positive..
It has truly been an amazing experience and I am grateful to have been a part of it.

In bed ruminating on the weekend...

With two beautiful young colleagues from Africa... 

In the Art Deco decorated dining room....

...tree-lined Kennedy Avenue.

...and more trees...

..a typical comfortable Napier home.

..downtown in Marewa

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