Friday 6 May 2016

Napier day one

Arrived in good time at Napier airport yesterday afternoon and there were five very diverse people waiting in a group for the shuttle shuttle service which was running late, caught in Napier traffic they said.
We were an interesting looking lot, a one metre-ninety beautiful Nordic looking trans woman, a tiny near-blind Kiwi older woman, a pretty dark haired Muslim girl from Kenya and a very shy African girl from Rwanda and white Anglo-celtic me. The driver, Brian, finally arrived a little embarrassed about being late I think, so he drove very fast the ten kilometres to the Kennedy Resort where we were met by our lovely facilitator Jane. It was a muggy warm afternoon with a few drops of rain trying to wet the   dry ashfelt of the large resort grounds.
After being given our allotted motel rooms which were very accommodating I must say, with a large comfy bed and full kitchen facilities, we had our first session of introductions in the so-called convention room, with suitable and amusing ice breakers organised by the accomplished Jonathan, our other skilled facilitator. 
My motel room, from bed

Then immediately after the first session we adjourned to the dining area for dinner which was unexciting but filling. I realised then I should have brought my supply of fruit which was left languishing languidly in the bowl at home as it was not to be a too-healthy diet offered. Oh well, I'll just make do.

The group, numbering twelve including two facilitators, was already functioning well, coming from all parts of New Zealand, and we were really enjoying discovering our multitude of differences. We retired early for a good sleep as it was going to be a very full and exhausting weekend. I am expecting a lot of hard work.

View from my bedroom window.

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