Saturday 13 August 2016

Sunday with Homyra and Elise

It has been a very busy as always in Sydney with City to Surf attractng 80,000 runners and my going to an ECK service at Central.
The sporty feel of Sydney is never so evident as with this popular charity run, making big money for chosen charities. My young French Canadian friend Elise, whom I met in Wellington a few months ago, is now working in Parramatta and has decided to run in the big event. She will meet me later at City Extra. She always amazes me this young vibrant beautiful traveller, who is fluent in four languages and has also a Doctorate in psychology.
When will Australa accept the inevitable?
Central Station RV with Homyra.
Back at Circular Quay to meet with the lovely Elise, below...
Smiling and exhausted after her first City to Surf run...
A selfie wth the bubbling Homyra, so good to see her looking so good.

Smiling as she says goodbye...
It was great to attend the ECK Worship Service and meet with my many old ECK friends, some of whom I haven't seen in quite a long time.

Chris and Martin, an old friend who is over from Malaysia.

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