Wednesday 17 August 2016

Thursday - Trish and Malcolm

Last night at Scottish Country Dancing I met some good dancing friends who welcomed me back. All looks good there for my return to that joyful sport.

Then on to today - a day to see more old friends and later have a quiet night at home.
First a nice long walk into town to see Trish Farrell and have a good coffee at Watty's, my new favourite café in Gosford. Lots to share with her and also hear the news of the lovely son Matthew.

Shopped for a light lunch to take home for Malcolm"s visit at two o'clock and had a good find of some Korean spring rolls and super cakes from Michel's.

Malcolm was in good form and we had a great catch up chat and when Peter got back from work it was all buzzing. So much so I was exhausted and retired for a small nap before tea at six pm. Tomorrow I am back to Sydney 

With Peter's beautiful orchid..
With Trish at Watty'swho was looking fabulous

Another view of this good café

This police commissioner is not proving to be the tops.
But Usain Boot is the tops!
Newspapers dwelling on the negative to be sensational as always

Malcolm in good form...

Chatting with Peter

Tonight on the ABC news awful reporting of inhuman treatment of young Indigenous boys in custody. Racism is rife in and out of gaols. It is something I will have to look into when I get back inOctober. 

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