Wednesday 10 August 2016

Day two of sunshine

Am busy planning the rest of my week in this beautful city but the Olympics are on the news everyday...Aussies love their sport like the Kiwis. My brother swims evey week with his mates so I wait for his return to have a coffee before taking the bus to the city to sample its delights.
Brother serving breakfast coffee in his lovely Malabar home....
Yesterday at Manly heralded in an exceptionallly hot summer to come - this is August in Sydney! Apologies to Max Dupain.
The iconic Sydney Opera House, never to be underestimated.

Weather in Sydney looking good for a week a least.
Malcolm Turnbull feeling the heat with a bungled Census debacle.
This is where Australia is failing at looking after the dispossessed refugees, to its absolute shame.
Proof of Erdogan and Putin getting into bed together foreboding future world problems, to say the least.
Editorial calling for Turnbull to explain, or resign about the Census disaster.
Buying chocolates at the famed David Jones' Food Hall to take back for gifts to NZ and for bro.
Decided to catch Patsy and Edina in their latest exploits on film - at least a laugh or two but a little too much for ninety minutes!

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