Tuesday 23 August 2016

Memphis return

It was a soft landing at Memphis today a late start but it was good to be back with my own mug of excellently espressoed coffee. Tom came by for a catch-up, busy as always, and we enjoyed a cheese scone together. His birthday is the weekend before my Aussie departure, he will be 59 and wants to have a potluck dinner that night at his place, so I put that date in my diary.
Ths is the trend these days, but is it just in this progressive Kiwi climate? I think not, it is gaining force in many first-world countries with the young.

A Japanese Sudoko expertwho comes every day for his 'hit'.
Front page news,but thirty-five years ago it was never thought of, something to which I can personally attest. Progress has certainly been made for non-ambulant people, thank goodness!

Home to do some emailing and then on to my HU song at Flashdog and my weekly Scottish dancing, tonight with a few visitors from Chicago who were warmly welcomed. One tried dancing the other two just looked on but it made a nice difference to our normally pretty predictable night of dance.
Only four more dance nights to go!

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