Saturday 6 August 2016

Sunday recovery and Opera.

A late night after a big party at Ron's celebrating a resounding SupernRugby Hurricanes' win, read Wellington, and also the Opening Ceremony of the controversial Olympics at Rio. Quite a night, where even the host got into drag to celebrate, but it was the PNGers who stole the nght with their colour and  great dancing. A good night which was interestingly cut in two by my final Festival Movie, one of the best by Almovodar, a favourite Spanish director of mine.

'Julieta' was vintage Almovodar, every frame beautifully shot, reeked of his style and substance.He certainly reinforced his reputation with this excellent black movie with great acting of course. So it was quite a night and today is a recovery day at Mojo's but I am off to Memphis now as I have only two more coffees before I leave,  at dawn on Wednesday for sunny, I hope, Sydney. I am really looking forward to this penultimate trip to my home country. Back to Wellie for six weeks to tie things up then Gosford is home for how long, I don't really know.
Mojo's being popular....
...with the Bears....!
This man I know is not right for the top job!
..and this young man knows what he is doing, and well!
Hurricanes won a big victory....
Beauden Barrett the big champ.
London still in crisis....
And the US killing more black young people...
The host and his Drag Queen....
...and more who swung the night away.
The other side of Rio Olympics.

Tom decided to join me at Memphis for a last coffee and to hear the news of the party last night.  He went to another one somewhere else, busy person that he is.
I decide to see the Metropolitan Opera's cinematic record of 'Roberto Devereux' at the Cuba Lighthouse. Peter K recommended it as a must-see and on emerging I can only but agree with him. It was the ultimate Donizetti Bel Canto opera with the best quartet of principals gathering on the Met stage in New York and conducted by the superb Maestro Maurizio Benini and produced by Englishman Sir David McVicar.

 It was a delight for the all the senses and I'm now home for a short rest before my last ballroom practice before I return later in the month. Another very busy weekend, bit it is all go-go-go now as I leave in two days for Sydney. 

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