Thursday 11 August 2016

Pete's Birthday party

The day has arrived for the rare family get-together, the eldest brother's 81st birthday. His eightieth birthday never happened as he was in Rome or the US on his sabbatical last year. So this year, on a sunny late winter's day we all meet on Mike's back verandah to celebrate the birthday, along with an honorary sister, Annie, who is always a welcome addition to the family meet-ups. Indeed she is essential for the chemistry of the occasion to work well, being a happy outgoing personality, and also the daughter of one of our Mum's best friends, so we go back a very long way. She is an actress, and also sings, so is great company.

Big Aussie win, the jewel in the swimming crown, 100metres free, to an eighteen year old stripling from Adelaide. It is surely the success story of the Aussie Olympics.
Getting ready, bro and sis, for the big birthday lunch.
Pad, taking in some sunshine...

Annie enjoying enjoying herself....

The birthday boy being spoiled...

..with his  sister's lovely cake.

...after lunch when we were all fully satisfied.

The Aussies at the Rio velodrome.... a very competitive race, racing for gold.

An afternoon walk to beautiful Malabar Bay
..finished a very succesful family get-together at brother Mike's home.

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