Sunday 7 August 2016

Traffic Lights for Carmen!

Well today is shaping up to be a mammoth task but in Welly anything is possible. My good friend Lesley is taking Nationality at Te Papa at six pm and a few of us are going to witness him receive his certificate, then I am off to Tiwhanawhana.  
The papers are awash with the Hurricanes' victory with a city stopping parade tomorrow to celebrate it. 
Today Twhanahana is fêting the Vivian-Cuba Street traffic lights honouring the late great Carmen Rupe and we are singing some waiata to commemorate this event at Soho Brown's in Cuba Street.
The Kiwi uniform was just that, uniformly boring!
Poor Celia is on her way out and a bit ignominiously, she is really a nice person but has received some poor press recently.
Kiwis are marvellous chefs and they have fantastic local  produce to use....
Erdogan is another Hitler I'm afraid.....
This woman had too tough a job against the English upper class, riddled with paedophiles and secrecy. It is a men's club and they stick together. 
Another Kiwi success story from Christchurch...they are everywhere.
A great property for sale to overseas investment...sad really!

With snow predicted today and Memphis with no heating I decided to adjourn for a spare hour to Mojo's my other favourite café at the great St James Theatre. They are all well rugged up today as the wind chill is excessive. One more coffee on such a day is warranted I believe!

Today's version of Carmen with local drag diva celebrating the traffic lights installation commemorating the late legendary trans-girl, bar owner and Mayoral candidate, Carmen Rupe, at Soho Brown's Café.
Grant Robertson and Celia Wade-Brown in the packed audience before speaking....
The lead-in to the main show, Carmen in Lights! They were pretty good too!
My good friend Lesley showing off his new Kiwi Citizenship papers at Te Papa! It has been another big day and I finish with a good visit to NZPC for my Tiwhanawhana practice.

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