Thursday 25 August 2016

Weekend Noho

Cold and wet but warm at heart, that's the Wellington I know well. Into Memphis after delivering Bella to Bho at Europe Motors for her yearly WoF, that is Warrant of Fitness. This is a certificate I need for the sale so it a step forward in that direction. Next week it is detailing and photos in Trademe to let the public know I have a beautiful bargain to be bought, that is,  if they love Roadsters!

It's busy as always here and I see Guy arrive with his Dad, to be later joined by his Mum and younger brother. This is a family of Diplomats and it is obvious that Guy will follow in his parents' footsteps and be successful in that career. Interesting how children follow after their parents as I continue to wonder what my father could have achieved had he not drowned in his alcoholism like his brother before him?

It is Daffodil day today in the city and I stop to give a gold coin to Cancer reseach although I am not a great believer in the modern invasive and debilitating treatment of cancer. I think more holistic reseach is showing other methods are more effective in the long run, but the drug companies are making their billions of dollars out of promoting this toxic chemical treatment. Since the arrival of AZT treatment for HIV I have been more sceptical than ever of the power and thrust, and ulimate dishonesty, of many global drug companies, supported all the way of course, by the all-powerful FDA.

This fraudster at least was caught and gaoledfor two and a half  years

A Czech tragedyin the snow made me think of Tanguy's friend's disastrous end. Many intrepid visitors are stupidly unaware of the treachery which lurks in the changeable weather and dangerous slopes in the winter months. This woman was so lucky to have survived but she lost her partner and may never fully recover from the experience of a month in a shack waiting to be rescued.

Interesting pic of Mayoral hopefuls -two impeccably dressed ladies and two men chugging their beers on a televised q and a show. Who will win I wonder? Or will light-rail be the casualty?
This is the electronic excellence of Wellington I saw it in action on my arrival on Wednesday, a super-quick transfer from plane to carpark, that is when you don't have booked luggage.

Aussie Mel Gibson getting more newswith his new movie coming out, he regrets not buying a beach on the North Island in the eighties when he was filming 'The Bounty', poor Mel!

The Bats Theatre is such a bastion of creative theatre, I am sorry I can't see ths fascinating 'Yoga' one woman show tonight which is the last night. Pity I will be in the Marae practising my poi!

Or can I see this great Kiwi movie at Film Archives!

More discussion on roadworks vs public transport - it will never end, we just love our cars.

Guy  'en famille' at Memphis...

This recent earhquake in Umbria isanother disaster for Italy. This ancient country is more prone to 'quakes than New Zealand it seems, and when they come they are totally catastrophic with their ancient buildings never surviving. At least here they have established strict laws for building now and the fear is abated quite a lot.

On now to pick up Bella and prepare for tonight's arrival at 5pm at the Marae. It may be a very cold night out so my duvet is coming with me.

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