Thursday 4 August 2016

Freezing Friday

Winter has suddenly hit and the snow season is booming. So being in warm cinemas is a good place to be, with two Festival movies and a third I just decided to see at the Cuba Lighthouse. It is the Maori soon-to-be classic 'Poi'E', a movie about a legendary Maori pop songer who brought the Maori voice back to popularity in 1985 with the eponymous hit song. It should be a funny and uplifting movie.
More state of art technology to buy with a parking App to make chalk and paper tickets redundant.
At least we have Mou Mou already microchipped as she came from the SPCA.
Above is the star and movie maker of the movie Poi'E
..and another Kiwi star in the making, trained in London but nurtured in Christchurch, possibly another Lorde!
Peter Snell another Kiwi legend and a quiet achiever....
How ISIS creates terror....
...and how young Muslim men are helping their women...
The poster of 'Poi'E' another fabulous Maori documentary about the resurgence of Te Reo and in my opinion is essential viewing for all Kiwis. Five stars!

The smart Regency covered chairs in the foyer of the Embassy where I saw an excellent Festival movie 'Paterson' by the great writer/director Jim Jarmusch, a movie about a bus driver and his wife who makes cup-cakes - an absolute gem and my vote for my best movie of the Festival.

And tonight I'm just back from 'Miss Sharon Jones!', Soul Singer extraordinaire, a fantastic documentary of her amazing life as a 'short, fat' charismatic singer, and above all cancer survivor! A truly inspirational movie.

Sharon's New York Return Concert
'Paterson' -best movie for me that I saw.

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